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Starving Artist adăugat la 01 Feb 2020 203 timp joc 1 Jucător, Copilași, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Abilități Mouse, Bani, Colorare, HTML5

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Descrierea jocului:

Starving Artist is a unique and free puzzle game. Get ready to add your name to the ranks of legendary artists with Starving Artist. In this new and completely unique game, you'll be trying to create and sell your own original art within the games market. You're trying to earn money to keep your paint supply levels filled up. The game will provide you with the front page of a newspaper that tells you about all of the world events of the day. You'll need to decipher the clues and figure out what colors, shapes, and patterns you need to use in order to really capture the zeitgeist and make the big bucks.

Pay careful and close attention to the headlines themselves and the words used. Do they mention colors, shapes, feelings? Can you replicate what they are talking about using the colors you have? If you can and you manage to please the games Artificial Intelligence then you can sell your paintings for a mint. If not you'll be at the back of the breadline like the starving artist you are. It'sd a free market and only the best of the best will rise to the top. If you believe that, oh, boy have we got a game to sell you
! It's Starving Artist, a great new fun game for people who like puzzles, creativity, and unique game play experiences.

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