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Serena Date Night adăugat la 22 Jan 2020 325 timp joc 1 Jucător, Fată, Îmbrăcare, Android, HTML5, Înfrumuseţare / Machiaj, Mobil, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen, Bitent

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Descrierea jocului:

Play this lovely game called Serena Date Night to create an amazing outfit and makeup for this Diva! You are Selena's stylist in this game and she needs your help, not for a photo shoot session like usually, but for a date. Serena has been asked out on a romantic date by her Celebrity crush, with whom she's playing in her next movie. They got to know each other on he set by working together and she's been having a crush on this actor from the first day of the shooting for the movie. Now that you understand how special this occasion is, you must surely know how to dress up Serena and what kind of makeup to give her. Enjoy!

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