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Ronny's Climb adăugat la 21 Oct 2024 2 timp joc 1 Jucător, Platforme, Animal, Săritură, WebGL, Fizică, Pixel

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Descrierea jocului:

Every year the inhabitants of the Emerald Vale forest organize a friendly competition to see who can climb the highest mountain, and now it's time for you to finally take part! Are you ready to join Ronny for an adventure like no other in the game Ronny's Climb? Join Ronny the deer on his journey to the top as you jump, run, solve puzzles and face dangerous enemies in this colorful world, exploring two handmade levels full of monsters, traps and obstacles that will require quick reflexes and strategic thinking! Plus, you'll enjoy meeting quirky creatures and harnessing their climbing skills as you search for secret treasures in hidden areas gaining power and new abilities. Complete achievements by racing against the clock in order to find all 100 gems in each level - enjoy unlimited thrills! Enjoy playing this animal adventure game here at!

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