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Pirate Klondike adăugat la 30 Nov 2020 131 timp joc Arcade, 1 Jucător, Cărţi, Abilități Mouse, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Solitaire, Pirat

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Descrierea jocului:

Pirate Klondike is an interesting game, this pirate wants to get the treasure, but they need to solve this poker puzzle at first. Help the Pirate in this Klondike game. Move all cards to the top 4 foundations. On the tableau built down in alternating color. Click on the top left stack to get a new open card. Stack up the cards before the timer runs down. Be quick and complete all the levels. Rules are common for this game, stack the cards from Q to A with all 4 foundations. Play this fun game only on

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