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Pillow Fight adăugat la 23 Jun 2024 3 timp joc Puzzle, Lupte, 1 Jucător, Bazat pe ture, HTML5, Gândire, Pixel

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Descrierea jocului:

"Pillow Fight" offers a delightful twist on deck-building puzzle games, centered around the universally relatable quest for a good night’s sleep. This game challenges players to conquer sleep disturbances that come in the form of quirky adversaries such as mischievous pillows, sweltering room temperatures, and the incessant noise from the streets. In this imaginative game, your battles are fought with tactical decisions involving decks of black and white sheep, symbolizing the classic method of counting sheep to fall asleep. Each card in your deck represents different sleep strategies and techniques that you must skillfully manage to overcome the obstacles to your slumber. Enjoy playing this unique puzzle game here at!

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