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Misland adăugat la 24 Jul 2024 10 timp joc 1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, 3D, Sabie, Fermă, Monştri, HTML5, Touchscreen

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Descrierea jocului:

Misland is a placement/management game that allows you to turn a deserted island into a prosperous paradise! Starting from picking apples from trees with bear hands, your skills and tools can be upgraded one by one! This island is filled with resources waiting to be discovered. By trading resources with ships, your wealth will increase. Once you have enough resources, you will have a team of assistants to complete tasks such as apple harvesting, tree felling, and quarrying! Be careful of invading monsters attempting to steal your resources; You need to wave your sword to protect your island. Have fun playing this adventure management game here at!

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