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Minetap Merge Clicker adăugat la 30 Sep 2024 3 timp joc Lupte, 1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Zombi, Mină, Monştri, WebGL, Clicking, Idle

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Descrierea jocului:

MineTap is an idle clicker with merge mechanics and crafting game here at! Prepare to fight zombies and other monsters and even build your own village! Enjoy mining and treasure hunting. Complete quests and level up your character. Craft your ultimate weapon and slay epic monsters! Have you ever had a dream to be a hero and save the world? Then tap to play and become a legend of crafting. Start your epic mining adventure right now click, tap and rock! Tap buttons, open additional interface windows and drag objects on the playing field with the left mouse button. Combine blocks of resources and open new ones. Create equipment and weapons to fight monsters. Restore the destroyed village for even more benefits! Enjoy playing this mine merging adventure game here at!

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