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Madness: Sherrif’s Compound adăugat la 05 Oct 2024 2 timp joc 1 Jucător, Sânge, Ucidere, First Person Shooter, 3D, Armă, Violenţă, WebGL

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Descrierea jocului:

Ramp up your adrenaline with Madness: Sheriff’s Compound, a 3D first-person shooter game. This thrilling action game gives you the chance to face off against enemies in an epic madness combat, all in 3D! Perfect for all fans of intense shooting games, Madness brings you straight into the heart of chaos. Whether it’s navigating through tricky landscapes or landing perfect shots, this game is designed to test both your quick thinking and precision aim. Bring your A-game, kick some 3D madness butt, and immerse yourself in what can only be described as absolute madness. Enjoy playing this action shooter game here at!

Butoane joc

WASD: Move around
MOUSE: Look around
MOUSESCROLL: switch weapons
SPACE: jump
SHIFT: sprint
C: Crouch
SHIFT + C: crouch slide
RMB: Aim Weapon
LMB: Shoot weapon
F: melee
M: back to menu

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