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Landmine Cube adăugat la 21 Sep 2024 6 timp joc Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Capcane, Mină, Obstacol, Cristal, WebGL

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Descrierea jocului:

Play as a rolling cube tasked with collecting all the jewels in each level while avoiding deadly landmines scattered throughout the floor. If you step on a mine, you'll lose a life, and if you run out, you'll have to restart the level from scratch. Thankfully, the cube has a warning system that lets you know when a landmine is nearby, glowing brightly to alert you to potential danger. With 21 levels to conquer, can you successfully navigate the treacherous terrain and collect all the jewels? Enjoy playing this game here at!

Butoane joc

WASD or ARROWS to move the player

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