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Fussy Furries adăugat la 31 Aug 2018 376 timp joc 1 Jucător, Potrivire, Animal, Pisică, Mâncare, Android, HTML5, Potrivire 3, Mobil, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen

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Descrierea jocului:

Fussy Furries is a fun and challenging cat themed match three games. In this game, you need to give what the cat demands by matching three or more of the same item. Every item that has been out of the screen will automatically deducted to the cat’s orders. You need to give it before the time runs out or else you will lose a life. As you play this game and make a lot of matches you’ll be able to unlock your power-up buttons namely “shuffle board”, “clear row and column” and “make the cat happy”. These power-ups will help you ease your game because as the game progress it will keep on getting harder and harder. You’ll also unlock new items and make new ones by matching 3 of a kind. If there’s no possible match you can also drag the item to the cat, making it easier for you to finish an order. This game has definitely raised the bar on any matching game by giving it some twists and fun innovations. It’s a game that everyone will really love!

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