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Furious Racing 3D adăugat la 31 Jul 2019 2,234 timp joc 1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Curse, Maşină, 3D, Cont Y8, WebGL

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Descrierea jocului:

Furious Racing 3D is a cool car chasing game that will give you that adrenaline rush. In this game you need to drive as fast as you can and not let the police get you. You can choose between the 2 stages, Japan and Snow. There are four modes, one way traffic, two way traffic, time attack and free ride. Drive as fast as you can zooming through heavy traffic and avoid all the vehicles that will block your way or else it's game over. You can upgrade your ride by using he diamonds that you've earned in every game. Gather lots of diamonds so you can buy better and cooler cars!

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