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Friends Who Live in the Warehouse adăugat la 01 Jun 2024 4 timp joc Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Evadare, WebGL, Gândire

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Descrierea jocului:

You come to pick up a friend for dinner and suddenly find yourself trapped in the warehouse where he lives. How will you escape? In Friends Who Live in the Warehouse, every corner of this industrial warehouse becomes the scene of a thrilling adventure where your observational skills and ingenuity will be put to the test. You are confronted with a series of enigmas and puzzles cleverly integrated into this atypical environment. From deciphering mysterious codes etched on walls to manipulating mechanical devices, your mind will be constantly challenged. This escape game, set in a dark setting full of secrets, invites you to explore and interact to find the key to your liberation. With two possible outcomes, every decision counts. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Enjoy playing this escape puzzle game here at!

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