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Footbag Fanatic adăugat la 14 May 2024 12 timp joc 1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Minge, Fotbal (Soccer), HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen

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Descrierea jocului:

"Footbag Fanatic" invites you to test your skills in a simple yet addictive game of football! Your objective is clear: keep the ball aloft and prevent it from touching the ground at all costs. Tap to kick the ball upward, timing your moves with precision to maintain its momentum. Each time the ball ricochets off a wall, you will loose your score multiplier, so you better be careful not to hit the walls. Can you become the ultimate Footbag Fanatic by mastering the art of juggling while maximizing your score? Dive into the action and find out!

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