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FoodGuessr adăugat la 08 Jun 2024 12 timp joc 1 Jucător, Educaţional, Copilași, Ghicitori, Chestionar, Mâncare, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Gândire

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Descrierea jocului:

FoodGuessr is an addictive and delicious game that will test your knowledge of world cuisine as you salivate over the pictures of the tastiest dishes you can imagine. Are you ready to guess where each one of them comes from? Look at the pictures and with patience, try to guess with little hot or cold clues the area and country they come from. Challenge your mind, test your knowledge and enjoy sweet desserts, tasty traditional food dishes and spicy street food dishes. Beat all the score records and have a great time! Have fun playing this food guessing game here at!

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