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Fashionista WebGL adăugat la 28 Jul 2023 15 timp joc 1 Jucător, Fată, Îmbrăcare, Înfrumuseţare / Machiaj, Unity3D, WebGL

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Descrierea jocului:

For all the fashionistas who are absolutely crazy about shopping, the weekend has come! Are you ready to have some fun this weekend? We have a dress up game for you! Play this fashion makeover and explore our wide range of fashionista outfits, accessories, shoes, jewelry and much more while boosting you sense of style! Knock yourself out! Try on designer clothes form famous boutiques. Create the best outfit for your doll to make her look like a rich it girl! Crave for a sneak peek of how a billionaire or a millionaire spend tons of money over weekends? Well, the best idea is to shop all weekend long. By playing this fashion game you can experience this luxurious lifestyle too. Choose some luxury clothes, fancy dresses and coats for your doll without spending any real money.

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