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Duck Duck Clicker adăugat la 10 Aug 2024 7 timp joc 1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Animal, HTML5, Touchscreen, Clicking, Idle

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Descrierea jocului:

Duck Duck Clicker is a super fun idle clicker game made by Hamdy Elzanqali. Your mission is to pet the duck and style it up with the coolest outfits! Just click on the duck in the middle of your screen to start earning Ducket$. You’ll see how much you’ve made at the top of the screen. Right below that, there are two important numbers: Duck Power shows how much Ducket$ you get each time you click, and the Autoducker tells you how many Ducket$ you earn without even clicking! Keep an eye out for yellow duck icons floating across the screen—click them quickly to grab a bonus! Are you ready to unlock all the achievements and explore the whole Duck Universe? Enjoy playing this idle clicker game here at!

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