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Dimensional Animals adăugat la 14 Aug 2024 20 timp joc 1 Jucător, Capcane, Platforme, Câine, Obstacol, Animal, Pisică, Săritură, HTML5, Touchscreen, Pixel

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Descrierea jocului:

Dimensional Animals is a fun metroidvania platformer where you join five adorable animal friends with unique abilities on an epic journey. The story revolves around Bingo the dog, who has lost his play ball and must retrieve it for his human friend. To do this, Bingo and his pals explore various dimensions, each filled with challenges and adventures. You’ll team up with Bingo the dog, Scott the cat, Fidget the duck, Papo the frog, and Tucker the raccoon (a special guest from Rift Racoon). Each of these characters has special skills that you’ll need to learn and use to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles throughout the different dimensions. With their combined abilities, you’ll guide them through a perilous and exciting multi-dimensional adventure to find the missing ball and bring it back. Get ready for a cute and challenging quest with Dimensional Animals! Enjoy playing this game here at!

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