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Crazy Climber 3D adăugat la 21 Jan 2023 40 timp joc 1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Obstacol, Amuzant, 3D, Alergare, Cont Y8, WebGL, Cele mai mari scoruri Y8, Salvare Y8, Realizări Y8, Adrenalină

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Descrierea jocului:

Crazy Climber 3D is a run-and-stack obstacle course running game with simple and fun mechanics. Avoid obstacles by going left and right while collecting the steps on the ground. Stack the collected steps on top of each other to serve as your stepping path to reach past above obstacles up to the finish line. You must also try and collect the yellow diamonds as you move to buy new characters and continue your progress. Reach the finish line and advance to a more challenging level. Enjoy playing Crazy Climber 3D here at!

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