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Color Strings adăugat la 25 Jul 2024 28 timp joc Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Potrivire, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Gândire

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Descrierea jocului:

Looking for a simple way to exercise your brain every day? Try Color Strings game! This game features straightforward rules and fun, challenging gameplay. In this puzzle game, you need to rearrange the strings on the dots to match the given pattern. With various puzzle levels, you'll keep your brain sharp in just a few minutes each day. In this puzzle game, you should reshape the strings on the dots to match the pattern shape. Each string on the puzzle board has a color, and you should use the same-colored string as the pattern. With each level progressing, the shape gets more complicated and challenging for your players. Enjoy playing this puzzle game here at!

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