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Bloodlust: Santa Monica adăugat la 12 Sep 2024 7 timp joc Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Ficţiune Interactivă, Vampir, WebGL, Pixel

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Descrierea jocului:

Bloodlust: Santa Monica is a 2D point-and-click adventure with old-school pixelart! You can pick from 7 different characters, each with their own vampire abilities that can help you work out the puzzles! You can bribe, attack, hack, charm, persuade and scare off problems. There are more than 20 challenges in the game with loads of secrets waiting to be found. Some tasks have several solutions, depending on your vampire powers, stuff you have and your character. No need to search every pixel. Discover Santa Monica, the city that’s always awake. See the gorgeously gothic scenes of Santa Monica, with more than 20 rooms to explore and over 30 interesting characters to chat with. The people of Santa Monica include famous vampires and humans, with some cameos and some fresh faces. Enjoy playing this game here at!

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